About » Superintendent's Message

Superintendent's Message

C. Droba
Dear NPD117 Community,

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I write to you as the Superintendent of North Palos School District 117. It is both an honor and a privilege to serve in this role, and I look forward to serving our community with dedication and passion.

First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my predecessor, Dr. Jeannie Stachowiak, for her outstanding leadership and extraordinary contributions to this community. Dr. Stachowiak’s leadership has created a solid foundation for us to build upon, and I am committed to continuing her legacy of excellence. District 117 is a successful organization, so it is essential that we continue to implement the fundamental aspects of the district’s system.

As your Superintendent, my primary goal is to ensure that every student receives a high-quality educational experience that lays the foundation for success in high school, college, and future careers. I firmly believe in the power of education to transform lives and shape communities. Student growth and student achievement are the fundamental reasons why our organization exists; therefore, we must ensure that every action taken is in the best interest of our students. To achieve this vision, I believe we must be committed to fostering strong relationships, developing relevant curriculum, and providing rigorous instruction. Collaborative relationships create the potential for high levels of student learning, so it is essential that we engage in collective efforts for our students. A relevant curriculum gives students opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills that will enable them to successfully compete in, and adapt to, our ever-changing world. Finally, rigorous instruction challenges students to perform at high levels, which will help us fulfill our organization’s mission of fostering excellence to ensure that every student will realize his or her full potential as a socially responsible lifelong learner. 


Another key element of the District 117 system is the idea of continuous improvement. In the coming months, we will be discussing goals for the upcoming school year that will help us prioritize several key areas that are crucial for our district's continued success. If you have any feedback for our team to consider, please use the Community Feedback Form. I am confident that with your support, dedication, and collaboration, we can make a significant difference in the lives of our students.


Lastly, I want to assure you that I understand the responsibility that comes with entrusting your children to our care. I am deeply committed to providing a safe, welcoming, and enriching educational experience for every student. Together with our dedicated educators and staff, we will strive to create an environment where your children can thrive.

My core belief is that we should provide the same educational experience in District 117 that we would want for our own children. This is why I strongly believe in our district’s motto - Investing in Our Future, One Child at a Time. By continuing to implement the critical aspects of the district’s system and expanding on a few key items, we can continue to fulfill the district’s vision to Be the Best for the World.


I am truly excited about the journey that lies ahead of us, and I am confident that, as a community, we will achieve remarkable things together. 


Dr. Christine Droba


North Palos District 117