Student Services » Special Education Information

Special Education Information

North Palos School District 117 offers a full continuum of special education and related services to students who meet specific eligibility requirements. We are committed to providing services in the least restrictive environment. The following are offered:
  • Psychological Services
  • Social Work Services
  • Speech/Language Services
  • Health Services
  • Various Itinerant Service
  • Academic Support

North Palos School District 117 provides consultative services, resource services and instructional level services at all grade levels. We have Instructional Cross-Categorical classrooms that focus on students with academic needs, social-emotional needs, multiple needs, and needs that may fall on the Autism Spectrum. These services are available to students at all levels if it is needed. All service decisions are team driven.

Child Find: Students are identified for special education through the child find process. For students ages 3-5, developmental screenings are held at least twice per school year at both Dorn and Sorrick Schools. Students who attend grades Kindergarten through 8th grade are continually monitored for progress. School teams work collaboratively to support students who are experiencing difficulty. School teams may refer students for an evaluation to determine the need for special educations. For parents, teachers, or other concerned persons who would like to request an evaluation, please address a letter to your building principal and/or the Director of Special Education. In your letter please include: the student's name, grade, building of attendance, the reason you are requesting the evaluation along with your full name and contact information. Any questions regarding the special education referral process may be directed to the Director of Special Education.

The goal of special education and related services is to support each child and address their individual needs. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed in collaboration with parents, general education teachers, and special service staff on a yearly basis minimally.

If you, as a parent, have concerns about your student's progress, please contact either your student's school team or the Pupil Personnel Department at (708) 233-5754.  

Resources for Parents of Students with Disabilities, including Procedural Safeguards and Required Notice and Consent Forms, are available through THIS link from the Illinois State Board of Education.
Assistive Technology Guidance Manual
Notice to Parents: Artice 14 of the School Code now requires all public school districts in Illinois to provide the child's parent or guardian with copies of all written material that will be considered at the IEP meeting at least three school days in advance of such meeting. Schools are required to keep service logs for each provider and to make service logs available at each IEP meeting. 
Notice to Parents: Students who do not qualify for an IEP may qualify for services under Section 504 if the student has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity, has a record of a physical or mental impairment, or is regarded as having a physical or mental impairment.