Hearing and Vision Screenings
District NP117 will conduct vision and hearing screenings for its students according to the following schedule: Vision screenings are conducted for all students in Kindergarten, second grade, eighth grade, all new students to the District, and annually for all students who receive special education. Hearing screenings are conducted for all students in Kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, all new students to the District, and annually for all students receiving special education. If a religious objection is made, a written and signed statement from the parent or legal guardian detailing such objections must be presented to the local school authority.
“The parent or legal guardian of a student may object to hearing or vision screening tests for their children on religious grounds. If a religious objection is made, a written and signed statement from the parent or legal guardian detailing such objections must be presented to the local school authority.”
Reference: Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)