Teaching & Learning » Report Cards

Report Cards

District 117 utilizes a standards-based report card in K-5. In grades 6-8, a traditional report card is used with letter grades. Report cards are distributed each semester. 

The purpose of our report cards is to describe students' learning progress to their parents and others, based on District 117 curriculum, Illinois Learning Standards, and the Common Core State Standards.  It is intended to inform parents and guardians about learning success and to guide improvements when needed.
A standards-based report card gives precise information about what a student knows and is able to do.  It also gives multiple grades for a single subject area, allowing parents to clearly see their child's strengths and weaknesses more specifically for each content area.
A standards-based report card uses performance levels instead of letter grades.  These are outlined in the table below:
4 Exceeding Expectations Your child independently extends and applies key concepts, processes, and skills.
3 Meeting Expectations    Your child demonstrates a solid understanding of key concepts, processes, and skills.
2 Partially Meeting Expectations Your child is progressing toward an understanding of key concepts, processes and skills, but performance is inconsistent.
1 Not Yet Making Progress or Minimal Progress Towards Expectations Your child has made minimal progress toward understanding key concepts, processes, and skills; requires additional time and support.
X   Indicates an area of concern for work habits and social skills.
Empty Box  

Indicates satisfactory performance for work habits and social skills.

M      Meets

Your child has met the expectations toward the skills.

*20-21 school year only

I      Incomplete

Indicates an area that is incomplete.

*20-21 school year only

Checklists and grading criteria have been developed for all standards and performance levels.  This creates consistency in grading with all teachers.  These documents are attached below:
For more information please contact your school's principal or Christine Droba at 708-233-5736 or [email protected].