Ensure and verify at least 5 clock hours of instruction or school work, as required under Section 10‐19.05, for each student participating in an e‐learning day.
The eLearning schedule accounts for at least 5 clock hours:
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. - Planning/Preparation ii.
By 8:45 a.m.
Learning modules posted and period of availability, student engagement, instruction, supervision and support as needed begins
By 9:30 a.m.
Student attendance is completed.
8:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. - 5-hour block of student engagement, instruction, supervision, monitoring and support as needed
All student work shall be completed by 8:00 a.m. the following day, unless otherwise indicated by the classroom teacher.
1:45 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. - Duty Free Lunch
2:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. - Professional Responsibilities
Verification of Student Work/Engagement
Assessment of Student Work/Providing Feedback
Communication with Families and Students
Ensure access from home or other appropriate remote facility for all students participating, including computers, the Internet, and other forms of electronic communication that must be utilized in the proposed program.
All Kindergarten-8th grade students have been issued school-provided Chromebooks that they can take home.
All students will be able to access online material through the NPD117 website or designated Learning Management System
Since PreK students do not have take-home devices, digital work that is provided will be able to be accessed by home devices or cell phones.
Schools will coordinate and communicate a safe pickup for paper materials at the school building, if needed for families.
If parents have indicated that there is no way to connect to the internet at home with a school device, then:
NPD 117 will work with the family to secure a wireless internet connection via a mobile hotspot, if necessary.
Ensure that non‐electronic materials are made available for students participating in the program who do not have access to the required technology or to participating teachers or students who are prevented from accessing the required technology.
If parents have indicated that there is no way to connect to the internet at home with a school device, then NPD 117 can also provide paper material to accomplish the instructional tasks desired upon request.
If a student has a disability or physical impairment limiting their ability to access technology, paper copies will be made available.
Ensure appropriate learning opportunities for students with special needs.
Students with disabilities are provided access to the general education curriculum through the use of accommodations and/or modifications and instructional design to the extent necessary to meet their individual learning needs.
Related service providers and/or specialists are available to support students and parents according to the same schedule as teachers.
The IEP team may need to convene to develop and put into place Individualized e-Learning Plans to outline the delivery of appropriate services and supports included in the IEP if there is an extended period of e-Learning.
Monitor and verify each student's electronic participation.
Teachers will be verifying student work/engagement during professional responsibilities time.
Student participation will be monitored throughout the learning modules
Daily Google form shall be submitted by 9:30 a.m.
Address the extent to which student participation is within the student's control as to the time, pace, and means of learning.
Individual student needs are addressed through each teacher’s lesson planning process, as they are in any regular student attendance day.
Teachers are encouraged to utilize multiple methods of presenting content in order to increase accessibility for all students.
All student work shall be completed by 8:00 a.m. the following day, unless otherwise indicated by the classroom teacher.
Provide effective notice to students and their parents or guardians of the use of particular days for e‐learning.
Parents and students will receive a detailed guide on how e-Learning is organized and the expectations that are established with the program.
All of this information will be sent to parents via email - along with text messages and phone calls that refer them to the webpage that it is housed on, translated into the languages of our families, to the extent possible.
If an e-Learning day needs to be used, all stakeholders will be notified by phone call, email, and text message. This information will also be publicized on the front page of our district and school websites.
Provide staff and students with adequate training for e‐learning days' participation.
School Administrators and Teacher Leaders will discuss best practices for e-Learning assignments with teachers.
All Teachers will receive a presentation on the expectations and professional responsibilities for e-Learning days in order to best maintain consistency and service to our community of learners.
Teachers will receive a digital copy of the e-Learning presentation to have as a reference.
Parents and students will receive a detailed guide on how e-Learning is organized and the expectations that are established with the program.
All of this information will be sent to parents via email - along with text messages and phone calls that refer them to the webpage that it is housed on.
Ensure that all teachers and staff who may be involved in the provisions of e‐learning have access to any and all hardware and software that may be required for the program.
All staff members will be provided with devices in order to appropriately participate in e-Learning.
Ensure an opportunity for any collective bargaining negotiations with representatives of the school district's employees that would be legally required, and including all classifications of school district employees who are represented by collective bargaining agreements and who would be affected in the event of an e‐learning day.
The Board and Associations will meet to develop a Memorandum of Understanding to ensure appropriate use of eLearning Days in accordance with the current Collective Bargaining Agreements.
Review and revise the program as implemented to address difficulties confronted.
We will encourage all stakeholders - staff, students, parents and community members - to share any thoughts or concerns they may have with our team. On our district website, the Community Feedback Form will be used to collect e-Learning feedback for our team to consider.
Ensure that the protocol regarding general expectations and responsibilities of the program is communicated to teachers, staff, and students at least 30 days prior to utilizing an e‐learning day.
Upon completion and approval of the e-Learning plan, all stakeholders will be informed of the process and expectations through appropriate communication and/or training (ie. Teacher Institute, Staff Handbooks, Parent and Student Handbooks, Open House, Curriculum Night, etc).